Thursday, March 25, 2010

Visual Art

I was walking on the streets of Bucharest, near the Place of University, when I saw this amazing peaces of art, I knew that there used to be more exhibitions like this one but never thought it would be such an amazing one.I just love the colors they used and I think this is a very original and creative idea! I hope I'll be around this place these weeks to shoot the new exbitions and show them to you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time is passing and I'm not ready!

Sorry guys for not posting for so long but I had some problems with school like paper tests and other boring things...I thought I should make a quick post to show you my outfit on Tuesday,a marine-like one. I really fell in love with 'sailor' style and I'm looking forward to making a post about it,so stay tuned!
I was wearing:
Blouse: Zara TRF, 12.5 euro
Black jeggings: S.Oliver, 20 euro
Black Chuck Taylors: Coverse, 30 euro

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday,Rares!

Today is my lovely brother's sixth birthday and I am so happy and proud at the same time for him,I love him very much,he's one of the reasons I'm happy all the time,even though he's sometimes really naughty and I can't stand him at those times.By the way,I just love the way he looks with my nerd glasses in the forth picture.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Illustrations by Bianca

These beautiful illustrations were made by one of my dearest friends,Bianca (you can visit her blog which has an amazing talent and her work is just so inspiring and lovely.I love her and I wanted to thank her for taking her time for doing such awesome drawings of me and other nice stuff.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blair Waldorf

I just love well-known Gossip Girl,Blair Waldorf, for her special and very stylish style.If you already know her,for sure, you observed that she owns so many hairbands,with big bows and floral accesories.I just wanted to post this since I didn't have much time to post this week because I had exams,projects and other stuff.She is my inspiration daily,she gives that elegant and very chic air which I adore so much!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

DIY:Chanel T-shirt

Step 1:Buy a plain white tee,for example,
I bought this one from C&A

Step 2: Print your Chanel logo(I got it from and start cutting the inside logo.

Step 3: After that you have to drawn the outline on the tee with a black ball pen and be sure that the drawing doesn't blot the back of the T-shirt by putting a newspaper between them.

Step 4: Paint the inside of the logo with a black acrylic paint and wait until it is dried.

Step 5: When the logo is dried get the paper off the tee and enjoy your work

I was really eager to do a T-shirt like this,I've wanted to do it for so long but I never had enough time, but this weekend I stayed at home and I had nothing to do so I thought that this should be perfect to work on.I hope you like it, anyway if you do or not comment please!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Going back...

Lately my life is all messy and I don't even know anymore what I'm doing..I screwed
up with some friends and I definetly know that they aren't coming back,I'm really lost...
Okay,on Wednesday some friends and I went to a 'Martisor' fair at a very nice place called "Dalles",we go there from time to time when new fairs are being opened and we really enjoy staying there as much as we still can. After that we went to a place I've never been before and I realized that it was indeed a lovely place. The white little turret in the last picture gave me such an old feeling,like it was some kind of a fairytale,the ground was all covered in late leaves,it was very beautiful.
By the way,I was wearing a grey knitted dress from Zara, a black leather jacket from Pimkie, grey short UGGs, a floral scarf from S Oliver and my lovely red fur(sorry guys but it's not faux fur,I think I'm gonna have problems with Peta!) ears from Bianca's dad fur shop.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Days of joy...

These days are so happy and full of joy for me..At the weekend I went to the shopping center with my parents and bought an Astor foundation(9 euro), animal print flats from Lc Waikiki(8 euro).After that we went to Carturesti,our favorite library and finally had the chance to buy the first book of The Vampire Diaries,The Awakening(10 euro).
Yesterday was a very special day for the Romanian peolple because on March the 1st we celebrate 'Martisor' (you can search on if you want to know more), a traditional feast when all the men give the women little presents...Anyway,I got so many presents and i want to thank to all of them for being gentle and frindly to us. The flowers from the 5th pisture are Hyacinths,I love the way the smell,they are so fragrant.And one of my best friends bought me that adorable Bow Necklace,from a local Boutique and it was only 3 euro.
When I got home I was very surprised to see that mom bought me a perfume i've wanted for so long, Dior Addict, I love it..And all the night we delighted us with Maxim's de Paris chocolates, I am so in love with french chocolates...
Hope you're having a great time too!

Baggy jeans

I bought this wonderful pair of jeans from Zara TRF (from the new collection) on Wednesday afternoom,after school. They were around 40 euro(by the way,I don't know why Blogger doesn't let me paste things,like the euro symbol,because i don't have it on my keyboard..Hope i can figure it out soon)...They are lovely and the material is very soft and thin, perfect even for the days when the sun is burning..hope you like them too..(And the tee is from Zara too,11 euros)