Monday, March 1, 2010

Days of joy...

These days are so happy and full of joy for me..At the weekend I went to the shopping center with my parents and bought an Astor foundation(9 euro), animal print flats from Lc Waikiki(8 euro).After that we went to Carturesti,our favorite library and finally had the chance to buy the first book of The Vampire Diaries,The Awakening(10 euro).
Yesterday was a very special day for the Romanian peolple because on March the 1st we celebrate 'Martisor' (you can search on if you want to know more), a traditional feast when all the men give the women little presents...Anyway,I got so many presents and i want to thank to all of them for being gentle and frindly to us. The flowers from the 5th pisture are Hyacinths,I love the way the smell,they are so fragrant.And one of my best friends bought me that adorable Bow Necklace,from a local Boutique and it was only 3 euro.
When I got home I was very surprised to see that mom bought me a perfume i've wanted for so long, Dior Addict, I love it..And all the night we delighted us with Maxim's de Paris chocolates, I am so in love with french chocolates...
Hope you're having a great time too!


Anda R. said...

It`s not ur personal ideea `cause i saw it on other blogs...but anyway i`m gonna delete it if u really think that`s ur ideea.
Don`t mind just for that.
I`m talking `bout my comm from U not about this post...I think U know;)).

Corina Mo said...

Yeah...anyway, I told you before that I love that Bow Necklage & the animal print 8-> :x Yummy...That's chocolate?!