Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cool gift

Hey there girls! How was your week?Mine was pretty cool and I am so glad that I finally made time to post during the week even tough I have 3 tests this week. I am very happy that it snowed for the third time this winter in Bucharest and me and my classmates had so many snowball wars. I finished the day with my mouth full of snow and my jeans wet enough to get a cold. But a thing just warmed my day up! I got such a nice bracelet from one of my best friends, Anne,who just got back from Egypt,where she spent her winter holiday.The bracelet is very special for me since she has one too. Besides that she gave me a necklace with my name in Egyptian on it. They are so beautiful and I'm gonna wear them everyday.Okay,girls,I have to get back to learning for the tests,so,see ya!


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